Friday, April 1, 2011

The smallest of things...

I was taking a stroll by a river, just before the first heavy snowfall set in for the season. The weather was mild, and sun was shining and the scenery stunning. I came across a bench seat with an amazing quote by William Blake from Auguries of Innocence.

The meaning of this to William Blake I am not sure but the meaning to me - you can find amazing truth in the smallest of things.

Each day I am blessed to be able to live in an amazing place; the day the last
snow falls I will feel a slight sadness, but know that the green shining lakes are now unfrozen and I am able to witness their sparkling brilliance. The tinniest of pine cones I look at in amazement, and when i go home I will remember to find as much pleasure in a grain of sand as i do in a snow flake.


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