Wednesday, March 30, 2011

R.E.A.D from the top line please...

So I don't usually blog about myself... but I found this inspirational piece on a link of a link of an amazing website i was pondering around and thought it quite ironic !

I have been thinking lately that my eye sight is somewhat lacking.. failing me maybe ! 6 and 8 are starting to look profoundly the same...

I am currently travelling and having an amazing adventure at that so things like eyesight and non-emergency dental work (yes there was an emergency) tend to get pushed back behind visits to amazing lakes and ski hills, and plans to New York city.... so until reality hits, and i live the meandering life again... (which I have no idea how i feel about) I will live by this...

Or until i can no longer make out the bigger picture.. which ever comes first.

Friday, March 25, 2011


Perception v's reality.
Thought v's idea.
Mind v's body.
Heart v's soul.
Happiness v's Contentment.
Lost v's wandering.
Vacant v's engaged.
Skinny v's curvy.
Me v's you.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ode to Andy...

Dear Andy... It has not been said in a better way... 1.2... oh look there is 3... P.A.R.T.Y ! don the dress, where are my shoes, T.E.Q.U.I.L.A ! Purse and money... token bar, music roaring - tunes from the 80's 90's etc etc. 1 am 2 am 3 am L.I.G.H.T.S its that frightful moment - count the friends 1, 2 oh still 3 - what a night. what a party.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

C.A.R.E free dreaming...

I proceed through life with care, caution and live in a controlled environment, like a testing centre for good and bad, right and wrong, heavenly and hellish. I dream C.A.R.E free and if I ever live in that world... I think it should look like faded sense of being.. i imagine it not so bright and vivid.. quiet and not so challenging, PEACEFUL... translucent

Thursday, March 10, 2011

when today is done all you have is tomorrow.... SO

Wear great shoes... often

Step out from BEHIND that shadow

LOVE... at every opportunity

CREATE... alot of beats... your own beats

Monday, March 7, 2011

Imagination & Inspiration...

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world"

If only there were more people in the world as profound and wise as Albert Einstein.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Bicycle.Bike.Velocipede. Two-wheeler. Pushy. Push bike.
Bunny hop. Skid. Jump. Wheely.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Where the streets have no names...

I want to visit the streets with no names, with numerical names, and with names I am yet to know. Pass changing sky lines, and street lights turning on at a glimpse of darkness and hope and off at light and first thoughts.

Visit the big cities of dreams and small towns of ambition.

The best bit I can visit some of my "dream" places, I have no excuse, I need to make this happen. I will make this happen... lets do this... I'm dreaming big ! I'm along for the ride... lets make it a good one and please let is last more than one loop...