I vow to write frequently... So you are about to hear rambling.. I can ramble alot... welcome to my world !
The past few days, Banff has treated me to some harsh weather... -30 something... I have a theory where I believe anything below -16 feels the same and it feels bloody cold ! The only problem with these particularly cold (colder than normal) days is that it is absolutely breathtaking scenery.
The sky is clear and a bright bold blue, the mountains shine and the sun hits your face (if you can remove your scarf so you don't look like a ninja for a brief second). It also means your hand freeze as soon as you take them out or your pockets to snap a quick picture - that never does the area justice... its almost painful to look at images that you remember so vividly stunning ! Ah the irony of it all.. something were meant to be seen through the eyes of those experiencing it...