I was in a coffee shop today and looked up to a map of the world on the wall ! I looked to the upper left of the map and said "Canada.... I live here" and looked to the bottom far right and pointed at "Home" ! Time has flown by since my transition to the cold that I need to stop and pinch myself (or look at a world map) to realise that this was not my normal existence or life before a month and a half ago ! It fascinates me ! I feel as though i successfully co-exist in two different locations !
Come In.. this is Canada.. I live here !
My new world is vastly different to my old one... polar opposite in all the obvious ways... but how quickly you adapt. -2 is now considered warm after a week of -25. I would never even consider walking outside without shoes on, or in less than 2 layers of clothing, powder is a frequent word in my vocabulary and I find myself constantly trying to remember whether i count 5 hours backward of forward then switch to convert Canadian time to Aussie time.
I have not been home sick since i arrived, I only wish that sometimes certain people were with me to experience the moment. I frequently walk into shops that are playing songs that remind me of moments.. and I smile... and I love that maybe people in Canada also had experiences or moments to these songs and maybe they are in Australia thinking the same thing ! I sure hope so.. it's Grand ! And people still ride pushy's here.. nothing like a pushy to make you think of Aus !
Some photos attached to keep it real ! I vow to post more photos soon there are so many... and will document my activities... i have purchased a snowboard... its amazing.. me on the snowboard.. not so much !

Vermillion Lakes... it still amazes me that giant bodies of water can freeze
Ah snow angel !
This was a particularly cold day... I thought my fingers were NEVER going to regain feeling
Banff town.. when i first arrived... still probably partially Brown